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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 29, Issue 3, pp. 913-1354

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An Internal Structure Dependent Riemann Solver for Regularization-Sensitive Shock Waves and Its Application to Front Tracking

Hyun-Cheol Hwang

pp. 913-940

Towards a Black Box Algorithm for Nonlinear Function Approximation over High-Dimensional Domains

Arta A. Jamshidi and Michael J. Kirby

pp. 941-963

Parallel Multilevel Restricted Schwarz Preconditioners with Pollution Removing for PDE-Constrained Optimization

Ernesto E. Prudencio and Xiao-Chuan Cai

pp. 964-985

Mixed Higher Order Spectral Finite Elements for Reissner–Mindlin Equations

G. Cohen and P. Grob

pp. 986-1005

On the Variational Approximation of Combined Second and Fourth Order Geometric Evolution Equations

John W. Barrett, Harald Garcke, and Robert Nürnberg

pp. 1006-1041

New Acyclic and Star Coloring Algorithms with Application to Computing Hessians

Assefaw H. Gebremedhin, Arijit Tarafdar, Fredrik Manne, and Alex Pothen

pp. 1042-1072

Overlapping Schwarz Methods for Fekete and Gauss–Lobatto Spectral Elements

L. F. Pavarino, E. Zampieri, R. Pasquetti, and F. Rapetti

pp. 1073-1092

On Well-Balanced Finite Volume Methods for Nonconservative Nonhomogeneous Hyperbolic Systems

M. J. Castro Díaz, T. Chacón Rebollo, E. D. Fernández-Nieto, and Carlos Parés

pp. 1093-1126

Conservative Coupling between Finite Elements and Retarded Potentials. Application to Vibroacoustics

P. Grob and P. Joly

pp. 1127-1159

An Accelerated Kernel-Independent Fast Multipole Method in One Dimension

P. G. Martinsson and V. Rokhlin

pp. 1160-1178

Nonoscillatory Interpolation Methods Applied to Vlasov-Based Models

J. A. Carrillo and F. Vecil

pp. 1179-1206

Numerical Quadratures for Singular and Hypersingular Integrals in Boundary Element Methods

Michael Carley

pp. 1207-1216

A Hybrid High-Order Algorithm for Radar Cross Section Computations

M. Ganesh and S. C. Hawkins

pp. 1217-1243

A Fictitious Domain Method with Mixed Finite Elements for Elastodynamics

E. Bécache, J. Rodríguez, and C. Tsogka

pp. 1244-1267

A New Iterative Method for Solving Large-Scale Lyapunov Matrix Equations

V. Simoncini

pp. 1268-1288

Parallel Symbolic Factorization for Sparse LU with Static Pivoting

Laura Grigori, James W. Demmel, and Xiaoye S. Li

pp. 1289-1314

Compatible Coarse Nodal and Edge Elements Through Energy Functionals

F. Musy, L. Nicolas, and R. Perrussel

pp. 1315-1337

Bivariate Splines of Various Degrees for Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations

Xian-Liang Hu, Dan-Fu Han, and Ming-Jun Lai

pp. 1338-1354